A source for the pro-kratom information that Google buries in your search results

If you get tired of searching through countless websites, forums, or social media to find credible scientific studies on kratom, you may find Kratom Studies helpful. The following list is full of links to information that you can use to make informed decisions related to kratom. There is a vast amount of incorrect facts, assumptions, and falsifications in existence around the internet and Google’s algorithms ensure these things remain at or near the top of search results. It is now more important than ever to think critically, scrutinize sources, and evaluate each situation independently.

Some of these links are to full versions of kratom studies, usually because the publisher decided to make them free on a limited basis or they are licensed as open access. For the links that lead to only abstracts, you can make use of Sci-Hub. From the article’s main page, simply copy the DOI number and then paste it into Sci-Hub to access the complete version. Please see these instructions for help.

How to Access All Kratom Studies for Free

Copy DOI Number For Kratom Studies (Example)
Copy the DOI number after “https://doi.org/”
Copy DOI Number Example
Another example of DOI number location
Paste DOI Into Sci-Hub eample
Paste DOI number into Sci-Hub to read the full text verison

“There is a general consensus among community members and leaders, academics
and policymakers, as well as public health and law enforcement representatives in southern Thailand that kratom use and dependence carry little, if any, health risks. In general, people reported that kratom
(use and dependence) is less harmful than heroin, yaba, cannabis and even alcohol,”

– Pascal Tanguay
International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC)