When it comes to kratom, there are almost more varieties on the market than a person could count. There are four common colors: green, white, red, and yellow or gold. On top of that, each color is associated with endless amounts of blends. Each type and sub-type are noted for different effects. For the most part, whites are stimulating, reds are sedating, and greens are somewhere in the middle. Here we will focus on red vein kratom and what makes it different than the others.
The History of Red Vein Kratom
Kratom, also known as Mitragyna speciosa, has been around for ages, but its popularity surged in recent years as a natural treatment for opiate addiction. In fact, it is heralded by many as a natural, safe alternative to prescription pain medications like hydrocodone or oxycodone, which can become habit forming in only a short period of time.
But while kratom is not as highly addictive as traditional opioid medications or common street drugs, it can cause side effects like anxiety, vomiting, and increased blood pressure when taken in large quantities. Extract versions can be potentially very dangerous, especially if you’re new to it or have no idea how much is too much.
Since the chemical makeup of each product varies between vendors, it is vital to pay special attention to the retailer’s recommendations and the ingredient amounts listed on the packaging or website. The history of kratom goes back thousands of years, first appearing in Southeast Asia.
Today, it grows wild throughout Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. Though it is known for much different effects, kratom is part of the Rubiaceae family of flowering trees alongside coffee. In Thailand, where it’s now grown commercially, it’s used as a traditional medicine.
There’s some evidence that it can relieve symptoms of chronic pain and reduce anxiety. It also appears to provide a potent boost to mood based on the dose and strength of the particular strain. Some research suggests that the plant may help treat opioid withdrawal, though more studies are needed before it can be considered a legitimate option for treating addiction.
Alkaloid Content
According to the growing body of research available on the subject of its chemical compounds, kratom contains at least fifty alkaloids. These include mitraphylline, 7-hydroxymitragynine, speciogynine, speciociliatine, and mitragynine. Many of these compounds are considered to be opioid agonists, meaning they activate endorphins and trigger feelings of euphoria. This is where the pain relief aspect comes in. Mu-opioid receptor agonists are also responsible for psychoactive effects and potentially the habit forming side of things as well.
While the exact amount of each compound varies depending on the variety of kratom, there are usually many more non-agonists than non-agonists. Although not all of the many alkaloids have been studied in depth, the ones that have been have shown unique, expected potential. For example, more than one has shown to be toxic to cancer cells. Others have shown promise in lowering blood pressure at the proper dosage. Blood sugar regulation, antibacterial properties, and antiviral activities are all other things that have been tied to certain alkaloids.
How Red Vein Kratom is Created
Red vein kratom starts out with different colored leaves and stems. It is what happens after the leaf is removed from the tree that determines what the color of the final product will be. After harvesting, the leaves are sorted and sent to the processor where they are to be dried. The drying processes takes place indoors, outdoors, or a combination of the two depending on the needs of the individuals handling it.
The less time spent outdoors, the lower the chances of microbial contamination. Special light bulbs are used inside to simulate the UV rays of the sun. There is also humidity added to the air to help the leaf cure into the desired red color.
Being exposed to extra levels of heat and humidity means the compounds inside the leaf undergo what’s called oxidation. Oxidation changes the overall amount and ratio of the alkaloids inside. Some processors use a fermentation process involving special bags and sprayed alcohol. Theoretically, this should result in additional changes to many if not all of the alkaloids.
The effects of red vein kratom are typically milder than those produced by the other strains of kratom. Because it is often times lower in the main chemical, mitragynine, users tend to find that red vein kratom offers less stimulating effects than green or white veined forms.
This is not always true, but it seems to be the general trend judging by anecdotal reports as well as multiple laboratory test results available on some vendors’ websites. Like other kratoms, red vein kratom provides a sense of calm, focus, energy, and physical stimulation that varies based on the amount taken. Users experience a feeling of well-being, and sometimes a slight sense of euphoria.
It can also produce a pleasant sensation similar to drinking alcohol or smoking marijuana. You might feel like you want to stay up late and party with friends, or lie down and relax after a long day. It depends on what your body needs. Most of the time, though, consumers use this kind of kratom to wind down and many even use it to make it easier to fall asleep. The effects last around four hours for most.
While unadulterated kratom leaf products have a vast history of safe usage throughout the areas it comes from, there are some side effects to consider. Taking too much at one time will likely cause a bout of nausea that can last for more than an hour.
If you really take it to extremes, you may get what is referred to as the wobbles. This is an uncomfortable feeling of vertigo and there’s no way to cure it other than letting time pass. As long as you’re not combining your kratom with other substances and you’re paying attention to how much you’re taking, you shouldn’t need to worry about these things.
Dosages will vary based on the form taken and the makeup of the specific batch taken. Extracts made from red vein kratom require a much smaller dose than traditional ground kratom leaf. If you’re going to use extracts, make sure you know exactly what the alkaloid content is.
Extracts come in strengths ranging from 5% mitragynine to over 80%, with one of the more popular ones being 45%. At this concentration, every gram is equal to about 30 grams of regular kratom, which makes it that much easier to go overboard. Also, make sure that you have a way to measure out such a small amount.
Many sources include a scooping spoon with their extracts, or you could opt to use a digital scale that can weigh in milligrams. If you’re taking regular kratom capsules, the packaging they came in or the manufacturer’s website should tell you how much is in each capsule. The same goes for tablets and edibles.
Of course it’s even easier with powder because you can simply weight the ground leaf or use a measuring spoon. A heaping teaspoon holds about 2.4 g. The total amount you want to take will vary based on your body and tolerance level.
You’ll often see it recommended to start at somewhere between 2-4 grams with anything over 8-10 g or so being considered a heavy dose. Wait an hour between doses to avoid side effects. Most people take it 2-3 times in a day. You can avoid tolerance issues by taking days off or limiting yourself to just one dose per 24 hour period.
Forms of Red Vein Kratom
The most popular form by far is ground leaf. As long as you’re using a trustworthy vendor, this should be nothing but pure kratom leaf with the stems and veins removed and ground down by industrial machines to a very tiny particle size of usually somewhere around 40 microns.
This is around the same size you’d see with powdered cosmetic products. Some retailers carry something called “nano” kratom, which is simply the regular version refined down to an even smaller particle size of around 1-10 microns. To put these numbers into perspective, the average human hair is more than 20 microns in diameter.
The only real benefit to nano kratom is that it mixes more easily with liquids, even though it still won’t dissolve completely. Ground leaf is what’s inside of teas and standard (non-extract) kratom capsules. You’ll usually find somewhere around 6 g in a 16 ounce tea and 500-600 mg in each size 00 capsule.
As mentioned above, extracts range in strength and are either consumed via the toss and wash method, mixed in with some sort of liquid, or inside of capsules. Kratom shots contain extracts in order to fit the benefits of the leaf into a small amount of liquid.
Some of these are full-spectrum, meaning they contain the range of alkaloids, while others focus specifically on mitragynine. The same goes for edibles like gummies. No matter what form you decide to use, just pay attention to the seller’s recommendations or their lab test results, if available.
Red Kratom Blends
Reds come in a wide variety of different kinds depending on whose inventory you’re looking at. Many are actually blended with other colors but feature red as the dominant one. Generally speaking, most people would have a hard time telling the difference between a lot of the red strains.
There may be other slight variations, like where the original leaf was actually grown or in the specific steps taken during the curing process. These may account for subtle differences. With that said, a large portion of the kratom community will report differences in effects.
Purchasing Tips
Red vein kratom can be purchased in stores, online shops, smoke shops, and even some gas stations. Most people try to avoid those last two due to issues of quality, freshness, and expertise. Make sure you purchase it directly from the manufacturer, instead of buying from a middleman.
This will not only often result in a more potent product, but it will be fresher because it wasn’t sitting around unsealed on a warehouse shelf somewhere for months. Also, read reviews before buying. Many sellers claim their products are made with 100% kratom leaves, but that’s not necessarily true.
It’s rare, but some have been caught adulterating products or artificially boosting 7-hydroxymitragynine content. Finally, choose a source who tests their products at labs certified by recognized organizations like ISO or Indonesia’s SNI and makes updated results readily available right on their website. It shouldn’t be hard to find a copy and the results should be reasonably current.
Many vendors do not spend the substantial amount of money it takes for lab testing, which is a key way to ensure you’re not consuming harmful bacteria or excessive heavy metals. If you find one that does test and still offers competitive pricing, keep them as a source and help them out by leaving a positive review.