Kratom Storage Bins

Storing Kratom the Right Way: 4 Things to Avoid

If you’re like most kratom users, you want to make sure that your kratom stays fresh as long as possible. Kratom is a unique product in that it can last for years if stored correctly. However, improper storage can quickly reduce the quality and potency of kratom.

In this blog post, we will discuss the best ways to store kratom products to protect them from UV rays, heat, air, and humidity. We will also recommend some storage products that could help extend the shelf life of kratom. Follow these tips and you’ll be able to keep your kratom fresh for years!

Kratom Shelf Life

When it comes to kratom, the accepted shelf life is quite long. If stored in a sealed container at room temperature away from direct sunlight, kratom can last for years.

Some vendors and farmers have seemed to agree on a time frame of two years from the date of harvest, but this is arbitrary and there are no available data verifying this claim. Still, you of course want to obtain the freshest materials possible.

After a certain point, it is conceivable that the quality and potency will begin degrading as the alkaloids undergo chemical changes like oxidation. Unfortunately, a great deal of the kratom that is available at mainstream locations like smoke shops and gas stations comes from distributors instead of directly from the source.

This kratom is harvested, sent to a processor where it undergoes curing, and gets sent to individual suppliers where it is usually held in non-airtight sacks. From there, it sits for a while as the shipper awaits enough cargo from other shippers to fill an entire the remainder of the shipping container.

After being loaded onto the boat and making its journey across the sea, it makes its way through Customs (hopefully) before heading to manufacturers. Once the manufacturers process their kratom powder and package it into its final form, it is then sent on to distributors.

From there, it sits in a warehouse until a retailer comes along and purchases it to put on his shelf. Finally, it must sit for a varying amount of time before a customer buys it. As you can see, a lot of time passes between harvest and consumption when you discuss purchasing kratom from a traditional retailer like a smoke shop or your local equivalent.

What’s the alternative? Look for a supplier who imports directly from the source. They can have the product to you within a couple of weeks of harvest in some cases as they cut out many of the otherwise needed processes.

Also, since the materials don’t change hands as much, the prices are naturally lower. You get a better quality, fresher product for less money. You can do even better if you find a small batch vendor. All of these things will help you achieve a longer shelf life from the date of your purchase.

What to Avoid When Storing Kratom

Exposure to certain conditions causes certain chemical changes in plant matter. These changes are responsible for the plant’s eventual degradation and loss of potency.


You will definitely want to avoid moisture at all costs when storing your kratom. When there is too much prolonged exposure to it without proper drying, there is a very real chance mold will begin to grow. It doesn’t take very long.

It’s common for people to want to store their goods in the freezer. While this works well with foods to slow down the reactions that cause food to go bad, it shouldn’t be your strategy with kratom.

Although it is a small amount, there is some condensation formed every time you remove and replace the container from the freezer. All it takes this little bit of liquid to encourage mold growth. You’re not going to know there’s a problem until you begin to see it, but by then you would have likely consumed it several times. Just keep this particular powder out of the freezer and in a totally dry area somewhere.

If you want to take extra precaution, you could always throw some silica gel packets in as they do an impressive job absorbing environmental moisture. If you can’t easily access any of those, set an baggie of uncooked rice in the powder and make sure to leave it open.


Kratom will also being degrading when it is exposed to oxygen for an extended period of time. This process, called oxidation, is responsible for the color change of kratom leaves when they are left out in the open air. It’s how red kratom gets its color.

It’s also how rust forms on metal. Oxidation also begins to break down mitragynine, effectively reducing the amount present in the final product. Oxidation is thought to increase the amount of 7-hydroxymitragynine in a given sample as mitragynine oxidizes into it, but real-world examples make it easy to question this theory.


When kratom is exposed to direct sunlight or fluorescent light, the alkaloids begin to break down just as they do when exposed to the oxygen in the air we breathe. This process is called photo-oxidation and it also causes a reduction in the amount of mitragynine leftover.

The general theory is that, though oxidation, mitragynine turns into 7-OH-mitragynine, when then turns into mitragynine pseudoindoxyl, which is significantly more potent than the first two forms (and morphine for that matter).

However, there is little proof that this conversion chain can actually take place outside of the human body. There is, however, some study data that shows mitragynine converting to 7-hydroxymitragynine to some degree from direct sunlight only.

The other presumed conversion to mitragynine pseudoindoxyl is still unproven as of the time of this writing. Reports from users are on both sides of the spectrum. Some claim that light renders kratom useless and others claim that its potency remains unchanged after even a year of solid, direct exposure.


As mentioned above when discussing the freezer storage issue, heat is one of the enemies when you’re trying to preserve chemicals that tend to react somewhat easily. Heat speeds up motion all the way down to the electron level. When everything’s sped up, chemical reactions take place more quickly and degradation becomes more of an issue.

This is basic chemistry and sounds good on paper, but how does it actually play out in real life? The truth is we haven’t yet had anyone perform a study to evaluate kratom’s stability at a range of temperatures for any extended amount of time. There was one study that found mitragynine to be completely stable after being exposed to a temperature of 180 degrees F for eight hours at a pH of 4-6.

The difficulty comes when you try to extrapolate that data to figure out how sitting in a container for months at 100 degrees compares. Instead of finding this out the hard way, simply keep your kratom at room temperature or cooler (no refrigerators or freezers).

Why Fresher is Better

Ideally, you want kratom that was dried quickly and then stored in a cool, dark place with little to no exposure to light or heat. If kratom is going to degrade, it will do so slowly when these conditions are met.

The vast majority of kratom on the market today has been sitting around for months if not years before it ever reaches the consumer. That’s why buying from a reputable source is important. Not only should you be able to verify their drying and storing methods, but ideally, they should also have test results from a third-party laboratory that show how much mitragynine is actually present in their kratom powder.

When kratom sits around for too long, not only does it theoretically become less potent, but it can also develop mold or bacteria. Again, we don’t know how long is too long, but newer is better. Any contaminants can cause serious health problems, so it’s important to make sure your kratom is as fresh as possible.

One way to tell if kratom is fresh is by looking at the color of the powder. If it’s a dull green or brown, that’s a good sign that it’s been sitting around for too long. Fresh kratom powder should be bright green. If you see any red veins, that means the kratom is starting to oxidize and will continue to degrade over time.

Another way to tell if kratom is fresh is by smelling it. If it has a musty smell or no smell at all, that’s another sign that it’s not as fresh as it could be. Fresh kratom powder should have a strong, pleasant smell.

If you want the freshest kratom possible, your best bet is to buy it from a reputable source and then store it properly.

Storage Container Recommendations

Now that we’ve gone over some of the things you need to avoid when storing kratom, let’s talk about some of the best storage containers to keep it fresh.

The first thing you need to look for is a container that is airtight. This will help to keep out moisture and prevent the kratom from drying out. Glass jars with rubber seals are a good option. You can also find plastic containers with airtight lids, but make sure they’re made of food-grade material so you don’t have to worry about any chemicals leaching into your kratom.

You also want to make sure the container is opaque so that light can’t get in. Again, this will help to preserve the alkaloids in the kratom. A dark-colored glass jar or a plastic container with a solid lid is ideal.

Once you have an airtight, opaque container, you also want to make sure it’s stored in a cool, dark place. A cupboard or drawer away from any windows is ideal. You can also put the container in a box if you need to.

One final thing to keep in mind is that kratom powder can absorb odor from other things around it. If possible, store it by itself so there’s no risk of it taking on any unwanted smells.

If you follow these recommendations, your kratom should stay fresh for months if not years.